What is the Progressive Outcomes Scale Logic Model (POSLM)Approach to Logic Modeling?
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The Progressive Outcomes Scale Logic Model (POSLM) approach to logic modeling was developed in 2020 by Quisha Brown, a grassroot nonprofit consultant with 20+ years’ experience working in the nonprofit industry serving marginalized communities. Brown developed the POSLM in response to her strong observations in the need for more culturally responsive methods when measuring the impact of social initiatives. The POSLM approach helps to avoid an over-dependence on subjective surveys, which focus mostly on opinions; many times, falling short on demonstrating real-time outcomes. The POSLM makes use of the traditional logic model with a strong focus on tracking progressive improvement towards impact using a racial equity lens. To measure progress, this type of logic model measures short, intermediate, and long-term outcomes as “stage 1,” “stage 2,” and “stage 3”. Each stage is uniquely defined by the key performance indicators (KPI) applicable to each stage. The POSLM approach is unique in the fact that it builds authentic community voice into the evaluation design process right from the start by using input from the community to inform the KPIs to be measured. Usage of the POSLM is versatile. Grassroot nonprofits who provide direct services to marginalized people, can use the stages to represent the percentage of people who reach each stage as they progress on the pre-identified KPIs. Other organizations may choose to use the stages to represent the percentage of KPIs achieved. The stage concept builds the capacity of organizations to perform ongoing progressive reporting and analysis and assess where they are as it relates to each stage; identifying and addressing challenges as they strive to accomplish indicators in real time.